We can use the rewind() method of an AudioPlayer to point the audio to beginning.
Pressing any key will rewind the AudioPlayer object.
# Ex12.pyde
# Based on Java File in Examples: rewind.pde
This sketch demonstrates how to use the rewind method
of a Playable class. The class used here is AudioPlayer,
but you can also rewind an AudioSnippet. Rewinding a
Playable sets the position to zero, the beginning.
Rewinding doesn't change the play state of a Playable,
so if it is playing or looping when you rewind, it will
continue to play or loop after you rewind it. Press 'r'
to rewind the player.
groove = None
def setup():
size(512, 200)
global groove
minim = Minim(this)
groove = minim.loadFile("groove.mp3", 2048)
def draw():
for i in range(groove.bufferSize()-1):
line(i, 50 + groove.left.get(i)*50,
i+1, 50 + groove.left.get(i+1)*50 )
line(i, 150 + groove.right.get(i)*50,
i+1, 150 + groove.right.get(i+1)*50)
posx = map(groove.position(), 0, groove.length(),
0, width)
line(posx, 0, posx, height)
text("Press any key to rewind.", 10, 20)
def keyPressed():
This is the output:
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